Three Virtual Authors Talks in aid of Aberdeen Synagogue. Book (and donate) at Synagogue Fundraising Talk series:Tuesday 28 April, 7 for 7.30 p.m.: 75 Years of Dee Street – The history of the Aberdeen Jewish Community with Professor Nathan Abrams. Professor Abrams, author of "Caledonian Jews. A Study of Seven Small Communities in Scotland has a personal connection with the Aberdeen Synagogue - he lived in the flat upstairs from the Synagogue when he was doing the research for his book. Sunday 3rd May, 7 for 7.30 p.m.: From Glasgow to Galilee and Beyond – novelist J David Simons in conversation with Fiona Frank about his life and work with particular emphasis on his novels based around the Jewish Community in Scotland.Tuesday 5thMay: 7 for 7.30 p.m.: A Shetland Jewish Childhood with Ethel Hofman, author of ‘Mackerel at Midnight, growing up Jewish on a small Scottish island. Ethel Hofman gave her illustrated talk to a crowded library in Lerwick, Shetland, last summer.
Three Author talks for Aberdeen Fundraising
Aberdeen Shul
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