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Newsletter No 4

Aberdeen Shul

Newsletter 04 16.4.20 Scottish Charity No. SC46585

Welcome everyone. I hope that you spent a pleasant Pesach, and if wanted, found a seder to follow. Please remember that the Government has not lifted the lockdown and you are all asked to stay at home unless it is for essential things – getting food, medicines, exercise, and work if you cannot do so from home. Don’t forget we have volunteers who are able to get your shopping, medicines, post letters, or just phone you for a chat. Please let me know on Please can you also reply to this, letting us know that you are fine. Just an ok in the heading on an email will be fine. Shul Fundraising We are still looking for volunteers to help in writing various funding grant applications, please let me know on if you are able to help at all. Hilary SCoJec SCoJec has up to date information on various zoom facilities and activities going on, and where and how you can access services etc. Please visit their website on and go through the dedicated page for Coronavirus. The Pesach issue of 4corners is available at: The Scottish Government have announced the Coronavirus Food Fund to support families unable to access food due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The fund will be distributed via local authorities (i.e. Aberdeen City Council/Aberdeenshire Council/Moray Sport Aberdeen are currently running daily fitness classes via Zoom. These are free, and you don’t need to be a member to take part. Please see their Facebook page to view the timetable and for more information THIRD SECTOR SUPPORT Click here to access the SCVO Coronavirus Community Assistance Directory. ACVO have launched the Aberdeen Cares campaign to showcase the fantastic stories of compassion and community spirit in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. Click here to find out how you can get involved. AC2U, a collaborative project between Social Bite, CFINE, Cyrenians and the Foyer, is delivering emergency supplies to vulnerable people in Aberdeen during the pandemic. Click here or call 0808 1964422 to get help or make a referral, or to donate £5 text AC2U to 70085. Shul News Our tenant in the basement flat has given notice of leaving, so now we are looking for a new tenant from May/June. If you know of anyone who is looking to rent somewhere from this time, please contact in the first instance. Please ask around as the income from the flat rental is very important to the future of the Synagogue. The SJAC have got a Lockdown Project. They want people to share ‘your immigration story’, ‘your Calderwood memories’ and ‘your lockdown experience from a Jewish point of view’. If you are interested, please contact Council). People worried about food during the COVID-19 crisis should contact their local authority for further information on the help and support available to them. Click here to access the Grampian Coronavirus Assistance Hub GCAH phoneline: 0808 196 3384 (8am-8pm 7 days a week) Click here to access Aberdeen City Council’s most recent guidance & information on COVID-19 ACC emergency hotline: 0800 0304 713 (8am-6pm Monday-Friday) Click here to access Aberdeenshire Council’s most recent guidance & information on COVID-19. Council). Yom HaShoah Online National Commemoration:Monday 20 April 7.30 – 8.45pm On the evening of Monday 20 April as Yom HaShoah begins, we invite you to join us for a virtual National Holocaust Commemoration marking the 75th anniversary of the end of the Shoah and the liberation of Bergen Belsen. In addition, during the day of Tuesday 21 April, we also invite you to participate in a series of online Holocaust education sessions together with our community and charity partners. Thank you for your continued support in these difficult circumstances and we hope you will join us to remember, to educate the next generation and honour the survivors and refugees. Join us live at More details will follow.


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