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Newsletter No 3

Aberdeen Shul

Newsletter 03 Scottish Charity No. SC46585

The newsletter is earlier this week because of Pesach. There is very little to add to previous newsletters at present. I am going to remind you of the various ways of helping or being helped around Grampian. Please let: if you need any help at all, either during Pesach or after. Grampian Assistance Hub This website is a focal point for information and assistance for anyone affected by coronavirus anywhere in Grampian. Find the services you need or links to information from across the area at or telephone number Tel 0808 196 3384. This will be open between 8am to 8pm daily. How people can help during COVID-19. People who wish to help in their local community should register at the Grampian Covid-19 Assistance Hub (GCAH) where their offer of help will be matched with people near them who need support. Anyone from Grampian who registers to volunteer through the ‘Scotland Cares’ national volunteering campaign will be automatically redirected to the GAH. People who wish to volunteer to support NHS Grampian staff, at hospital site, or Shul News Our tenant in the basement flat has given notice of leaving, so now we are looking for a new tenant from May/June. If you know of anyone who is looking to rent somewhere from this time, please contact in the first instance. Please ask around as the income from the flat rental is very important to the future of the Synagogue. Shul Fundraising Hopefully you will all remember that we are asking for your help to fundraise. Any help that you can give at this time is really useful. We need help in sending out letters, ideas on ways to fundraise etc. Anything you can offer will be gratefully received. We have a list of volunteers across Grampian who have offered assistance with shopping, collecting medication, or just phoning you. We do want to help if we can. We would also like to send mazel to Danny and Joy on the safe recovery of their son. Chag Sameach from all the committee. Hilary who have transferable skills i.e. PVG holder, ex-police/firemen, teachers, health care students or people with experience of caring, should contact: so their skills can be matched to hospital based need as it arises. Ex-members of NHS Staff (including retirees) should contact: where they are directed to the Staff Bureau to explore their skill sets and if they wish to be fast-tracked by HR colleagues into employment or temporary paid positions. Charitable donations The Endowment Fund has set up a specific fund to support staff and work around coronavirus. Donations can be made at, tick the COVID-19 Support Fund. More than £5,500 has been received since the fund opened last week. The Endowment Fund Trustees have also agreed research funding of £100,000 for projects around COVID-19 and they have also pledged funds to support staff projects throughout NHS Grampian. SCoJeC SCoJeC have an updated mini website devoted to help during this time: Please look through it and access it as needed. There are links to various on-line seders that are being held, and other activities through zoom. The Pesach issue of 4corners is available at: Also, a link to other services held in other communities


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