Our newsletter is to let you know what is happening with the wider Jewish Community as well as our own local Community. Can you please reply to communitysupp.asjcc@gmail.com to let us know that you are well and have received the newsletter. It would be nice to hear how you plan to spend Pesach. I wish you a good Pesach and keep safe. Hilary Grampian Assistance Hub https://gcah.org.uk This new website is a focal point for information and assistance for anyone affected anywhere in Grampian by the present coronavirus lockdown. You can find the services you need or links to information from across the area. The Hub can be contacted by phone: Tel 0808 196 3384. Please pass on this phone number to anyone in the Grampian area you know who isn’t online. Are you interested in streaming services of Jewish related topics or group discussions? If that interests you, again please let me know: communitysupp.asjcc@gmail.com So far no one has come forward saying that they need help with anything, but as time goes on, it may be that this changes. We do have volunteers who are able to collect shopping, medicines, post letters etc. so please let me know on communitysupp.asjcc@gmail.com if you do need any help. You may just even want a phone call, which is fine. Just let me know. SCoJeC SCoJeC have an updated mini website devoted to help during this time: www.scojec.org/news/2020/coronavirus/community.html. Please look through it and access it as needed. There are links to on-line Seders, so you can find a Seder for you. SCoJeC is constantly updating the website. The Pesach issue of 4corners is available at: https://www.scojec.org/4cs/4cs.html Would you be interested in a virtual Seder? Can you please let me know. Plans are already underway through SCoJeC to do this. Information is available from the SCoJeC website.
Shul News Our tenant in the basement flat has given notice of leaving, so now we are looking for a new tenant from May/June. If you know of anyone who is looking to rent somewhere from this time, please contact treasurer.asjcc@gmail.com in the first instance. Please ask around as the income from the flat rental is very important to the future of the Synagogue. UK Community Shabbaton This Shabbat, join Mizrachi UK's ‘UK Community Shabbaton at Home’:This Shabbat, Shabbat Ha Gadol, Mizrachi UK is organising the first ‘UK Community Shabbaton at Home’’ across the UK. It launches at 5pm with a pre-Shabbat concert with Yaacov Shwekey to be followed by the Chief Rabbi who will lead prayers for the sick and give a pre-Shabbat message. If this interests you, please contact: communitysupp.asjcc@gmail.com for further information. Fundraising We wanted to know if anyone would help us with our fundraising. We have a number of suggestions: A) A virtual concert, like the one held by SCoJeC on 21st March, but asking for a small donation to watch it. What would people want to have? If you have any ideas, please let me know. (SCoJeC has already been contacted to see if they can help) B) The ‘Friends of Aberdeen Synagogue’ is being established to crowd fund for the shul, can you help? C) Letter writing and funding applications campaign to as many bodies as can be identified. Lots of small sums are just a useful as large single donations. With people stuck at home could you help contact funding bodies? Feedback on these ideas and all ideas gratefully received. Please volunteer to help. Also don’t forget that we did ask for anything that we could include in our newsletter – jokes, hints and tips for isolation, or for the Seder.