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Newsletter No 1

Aberdeen Shul

Letter from ASJCC President: 26 March 2020.

The Synagogue Building Works

As you may be aware the Shul has required significant building works to be carried urgently because of the dangerous state of the roof. Our builders found significant wood rot and woodworm throughout the roof structure, although fortunately not the main roof rafters which are in good condition. This has cost a considerable sum of money.

The community held a meeting on 7 March regarding the shul and discussed a number of options for the future of the building, ranging from closing the building to completing the repairs and raising funds to pay for the works. After discussion it was agreed that the building remained integral to the community and should continue to operate as a Synagogue. This decision was confirmed at a follow up meeting of the building’s trustees.

Once again, we need to fund raise and looking for any ideas about this, please can you let me know yours; no idea is too ‘out there’.

We have a number of ideas under development including:

A) A virtual concert, like the one held by ScoJec on Saturday 21 March, but asking for a small donation to watch it. What would people want to have? If you have any ideas, please let me know. (SCoJec has already been contacted to see if they can help)

B) Streaming services or group discussions, if that interests you, again please let me know.

C) Would you be interested in a virtual seder – can you please let me know if you think you would be interested in this. Plans are already underway through ScoJec to do this. Further information when available.

D) The ‘Friends of Aberdeen Synagogue’ is being established who will and crowd fund for the shul, can you help?

E) Letter writing and funding applications campaign to as many bodies as can be identified. Lots of small sums are just a useful as single large donations. With people stuck at home could you help contact funding bodies?

Feedback on these ideas and all ideas gratefully received. Please volunteer to help.


I appreciate that this is a stressful time and I will try not to send out too many emails, but if there is anything we feel particularly urgent, this will go out, otherwise we will try and send emails out once a week on Thursday. Please send me your stories, jokes, useful links etc. for inclusion. Please also look at our Facebook page and twitter feed.

Again I reiterate that if anyone needs any kind of help – shopping, phone calls, letters to post, collection of prescriptions etc, please contact me – we have set up a new email specifically:- I already have a list of volunteers who offered to do this. They will not be able to come into your house but can collect food, medicines, post letters etc if needed and leave it outside

Above all, keep safe and please ask for help if you need it.

One more thing – please reply to this email, so that we know you are all fine – just an ok, or received is great, but it would be good to know that everyone is okay.


Scottish Charity No. SC46585

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